Something I realised a few months into the COVID pandemic

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My realisations during the lockdown

  1. Airborne respiratory disease is really scary in terms of spreading-readily
  2. How human can be easily controlled by fake news, or cognitive dissonance and why it’s so hard to face it
  3. The vulnerability of the economics, global trading, jobs and the prolonged consequences of the pandemic. Perhaps it takes years or decades to estimate/see clearer
  4. also in terms of politics. The benefits of good government is proven, but people rather distort it to their own comfort than to confront their belief. Lies bring comfort and the bubble American is living.
  5. How people act self-centred in crises
  6. Prolonged isolation and how important in-person interactions are
  7. Crisis is an acceleration factor to relationship in either direction, a rough test to cripple economy, a face reveal to leadership
  8. is it really possible to make work from home the norm