My research

    My research focuses on applications of meteorology and climate in the energy sector. Specifically, I model the power production of renewable sources, including hydropower, wind and solar (photovoltaic) power, to analyse how they vary depending on weather conditions. I identified a delay (lag) in response of hydropower production to the precipitation [4], and the links between some critical synoptic weather conditions and very low production in wind and photovoltaic power simultaneously [1]. These insights are useful when the weather-dependency characteristic of the energy system increases with increasing share of renewable sources to mitigate climate change.


    [1] Ho-Tran, L. and Fiedler, S., 2024, A climatology of weather-driven anomalies in European photovoltaic and wind power production, Communications Earth & Environment (in press).

    [2] Dubus, L., Saint‐Drenan, Y.M., Troccoli, A., De Felice, M., Moreau, Y., Ho‐Tran, L., Goodess, C., Amaro e Silva, R. and Sanger, L., 2023. C3S Energy: A climate service for the provision of power supply and demand indicators for Europe based on the ERA5 reanalysis and ENTSO‐E data. Meteorological Applications, 30 (5), p.e2145.

    [3] Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der Universität zu Köln, 2021. dena pilot study "Towards climate neutrality". Climate neutrality 2045 - Transformation of final energy consumption and the energy system. Published by the German Energy Agency GmbH (dena).

    [4] Ho, L.T., Dubus, L., De Felice, M. and Troccoli, A., 2020. Reconstruction of multidecadal country-aggregated hydro power generation in Europe based on a random forest model. Energies, 13 (7), p.1786.